by Spyder Byte Media | May 22, 2013 | Internet Marketing
Michigan Small Business Internet Marketing FAQ How can I be sure my site is listed first on Google? Showing up in the search results before your competitors plays a huge part of internet marketing for small businesses. However, be careful as guaranteeing #1 results...
by Spyder Byte Media | May 21, 2013 | Web Design Tips
The Importance of Responsive Web Design It has become more common to hear the term “Responsive Web Design” over the past few years. There is good reason behind this. Having any form of the internet be user friendly and visible to as many viewers as possible is...
by Spyder Byte Media | May 16, 2013 | Email Marketing
Expanding Your Michigan Small Business Using E-Mail Marketing If done correctly, e-mail marketing has the ability to be one of the most effective tools for marketing your Michigan small business. Using software specifically for e-mail marketing does more than just...
by Spyder Byte Media | May 8, 2013 | SEO Tips
Using SEO Shortcuts to Bring Traffic to Your Website I have yet to find the weight loss shake that helps me drop pounds without exercising and watching my diet. And if there was such a thing, I’m sure there would be other drawbacks or health issues, because...
by Spyder Byte Media | May 7, 2013 | Facebook
Using Facebook for Your Michigan Business It’s no secret that Michigan businesses are using Facebook as a Marketing tool. But what is the secret to using Facebook the right way? Perhaps you have had the experience of Facebook friends or business pages constantly...
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